Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring/Summer Scarves!

What's a good way to add some life to an outfit?  How about a scarf!  Instead of wearing a necklace or two, try wrapping a scarf around your neck to add some flair.

The spring/summer scarves are much different than your winter ones.  They are made from lightweight fabrics so you won't get a major hot flash when you wear them.  They also come in a variety of great summer colors to match everything in your closet. 

I just love the idea of adding a pop of color to your look with a scarf.  And the best way to try color, if you are afraid, is to add that colorful scarf.   It's also an inexpensive way, too.  You are not going to break the bank by buying a scarf.  Well, unless you buy one the silk black and white Diane von Furstenberg one.  That will set you back $185.

I bought one last week at a local boutique in my neighborhood.  It's coral, brown, gold and ivory.  It goes with a lot of my clothing.  I think it cost me less than $20 and that was with tax.  I also bought one at the J.Crew Outlet, that was also less than $20.  It's a long rectangle one that starts out with orange and fades into white.  I love it, especially to wear with all of those summer white clothes.

So, march on down to your local boutiques or to the mall and buy yourself a scarf.  You will really get a lot of use out of it and absolutely love it.

Enjoy your day!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

MAC Cosmetics

Today I spent a few hours at the mall doing some errands.  I know what you're thinking, and no, I wasn't shopping for myself.  I had to do some returns and buy a birthday gift.  I also had to stop by the MAC cosmetic store.  I was completely out of my blush and concealer.  I literally was scraping the side of the containers to get every bit out.

I brought in all of my empty MAC makeup containers, too.  Did you know that if you bring in six to the store, you get a free lip gloss or lip stick.  Yes, you get one of those free.  I love that deal, and I love the idea of recycling...being green. 

It's a great way to try a new color for your lips.  When it's free, you don't care as much if you don't like it.  You don't feel like you are wasting your money.

Today was different, though.  I was also offered, as my free item, an eye shadow.  I have never been offered an eye shadow before.  It must be a new thing there.  Of course, I decided on that but not before consulting the sales associate first.  I wanted to find something different, and she helped me pick a color that matched my skin type.  I was so excited!!  What a great opportunity to try something new, and once again, not feel like you wasted your money.

You should try MAC Cosmetics.  They have great products and aren't too expensive.  But remember to keep your empty containers.

Enjoy your day!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Well, it's that time of year again.  It's spring which means time to clean your house and your closet.  We have been going crazy here at my house doing our spring cleaning.  And we still have a lot to do.

I already did my kids' closets.  Made them try on everything.  Oh, they hated that, but I had to find out what still fit them.  Then I started on my closet.  At the beginning of the year, I turned around my hangers in my closet and had them facing out.   After I wore an item, I put it back in my closet (after dry cleaning, washing or whatever) the right way, facing in.  I know that it's only April, but I can't believe how many of my hangers were still facing out.  That means I wear the same things over and over again.  Interesting!!  And I do plan on doing this for the whole year.

I also found that I hadn't worn a lot of my winter sweaters.  Now, was that because of the warm weather or because I was wearing the same things again and again?  Last year at the end of winter, I bought a lot of winter clothes on clearance.  And I was still able to wear them because in Chicago, the cold weather and winter lasts way into April.  But this year, our winter was cut short.  It was 70 and 80 degrees in March.  As I went to the clearance sales at stores, I found myself not wanting to buy those winter clothes.  Who wants to buy a heavy winter sweater when it's 70 degrees outside.  Who even wants to try it on?

I ended up buying some spring clothes, which happened to be on sale.  Go figure!  I wonder if retailers were able to sell those heavy winter clothes.  Were they able to get rid of them?  Retailers have spring clothes on sale already.  The weather has made retailers rethink everything this year.  I know that my shopping habits changed a little bit this year due to the weather.  What do you think?

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Newspaper Article

Once again, The Doings newspaper (a suburban newspaper in Chicago) has printed my article.  It's about the weather!!  The crazy weather!

I hope you enjoy it!


Enjoy your day!!!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Favorite Spring Purchases!

My family and I just got back from our spring break vacation.  We were at Key West and North Palm Beach, Florida.  The weather was absolutely beautiful..sunny and warm, just the way I like it.  And who knew that Key West was 90 miles north of Cuba and it's the southernmost point of the USA.

Now it's back to reality.  Kids are back at school.  I have been doing loads of laundry and driving the kids to all of their activities...I wish I was back down there!!

However, I did have fun shopping for our vacation beforehand.  So I wanted to tell you about my favorite purchases for the trip.

Since we lived at the beach and pool, I couldn't have done without my swimsuit cover ups.  I bought a Kelly green and a orange/coral cover up.  One was from TJ Maxx and the other one was from Marshall's.  They were both $14.99.  They were cotton and rayon, a-line, lightweight, had capped sleeves, and a tie-cinched high waist with a keyhole.  I loved them and wore one everyday over my swimsuit.

As for my swimsuit, I tried on so many suits and got so frustrated.  I really hate trying them on.  I packed a halter style navy tankini from last year and bought a top to go with black bottoms from another very old suit.  I ended up finding that one at Target for about $19.  It was a tankini, black and white striped top that came with a removable strap.  It wasn't fitted which hid my muffin top.  I felt so comfortable in that suit!!!  And with the removable strap, I got no tan lines!!!!

I did ended up finding some Bermuda shorts.  I am too old to wear short shorts, and the longer ones hide my varicose veins on the back of my legs.  Shorts are a hard fit for me.  Some are too low in the waist, and I always have problems with the length.  I found a white pair and a green pair at the Gap Outlet.  The style is called Hadley, and they weren't too low in the waist and weren't too long on me.   And they had a special on them, $14 each.  Yea!!!!!

All in all, I was very happy with my vacation purchases.  While down in Key West, I did find a cool pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses at a surf shop.  I fell in love with them and had to have them.  My husband, son and daughter all had to buy the hippie cool braided ankle bracelets.  And yes, they still have them on.  They are trying to hang on to our trip as long as possible.  My son and daughter also got Key West t-shirts, of course.  I did buy myself a bracelet from a local artist.  It's silver, has clear crystal small beads and small ball gold beads.  Simple yet cute.  We didn't go too crazy buying stuff.  We were too busy doing other things.  Plus, I did enough shopping before our trip. 

Enjoy your day!
