Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday Shopping

Black Friday, or should I say Black Thursday, has come and gone.  And did any of you brave the crowds and shop?  I certainly did not, and I never ever do!!!

It's absolutely crazy that stores are opening up on Thanksgiving night like at 8pm and 9pm.  What happened to the holiday?  What happened to a day off of work?  All of the CEO's of these retailers don't understand that their employees really do not want to be there.  Don't they deserve a day off before the crazed holiday shopping season?

As I was driving back to our hotel from my aunt and uncle's home in Arizona, we passed by a Target around 9:45.  Yes, we were in Arizona for the week, and it was the best idea yet!!!  It was packed.  I couldn't believe the parking lot.  And drove right past it, not even hesitating.  Being in this industry for a million years, I hate Black Friday and hate shopping on that day, too.

Here's funny thing, too.  I was reading the USA Today Newspaper the day before Thanksgiving, poolside, and they had a great article about a women shopping all day on Black Friday last year.  She hit all the stores with the greatest door buster deals.  When she got home, she went online and discovered that some of her purchases she made were a lot cheaper online.  She was not happy to say the least.

My husband did venture out on Saturday back here in Chicago.  I do miss that 80 degree weather in AZ.  He went to Costco to buy a laptop.  That's where he thought was the best deal.  When he brought it home, I showed him the Costco brochure of coupons that starts on Monday.  Then he decided to go online and yes, he did find a better and cheaper one online at Costco.  Go figure!!  He didn't have to deal with the crowds and go out at all in this cold weather.  He could have stayed home and bought it online.  Well, he is returning the one on Monday that he bought at the store, and did purchase the one online. 

So, the moral of the story is to check online prices first before you go out and shop.  You might find better deals there.

Enjoy your day and happy shopping!


Monday, November 12, 2012


Sorry!!  I know that it has been awhile since I have wrote in my blog.  And I apologize for that.

I think life just got in the way.  It seems like I have been getting pulled in a million different ways.  Between work, volunteering, kids' activities, family obligations...I am totally exhausted. 

I guess it's a mom thing.  And I know all of you moms out there will understand.  And I feel like all I do is run around, drive my kids from here to there, doing this and that...then next thing I know, it's 10:30 at night, and I feel like I got nothing done that I wanted to that day.

Does anybody else feel that way out there?  Still haven't done my laundry yet.  Got the kids' laundry done today.  At least they will have clean clothes tomorrow.  Not me, though.  Picked up the dry cleaning today so my husband will have clothes to wear to work tomorrow.  Everyone is taken care of, not me though.

Last week I wore the same pair of jeans, four days in a row.  It was just easier to do that.  Of course, the others were dirty and still are dirty.  Remember, haven't done my laundry yet.

I did shower today, but at 2:45 in the afternoon, right before the kids got home from school.  Didn't wash my hair, though.  That would take too much time.  Just threw it up in a pony tail.  And threw on the jeans I wore yesterday.  That's okay.  I will try and do my laundry tomorrow.

I know, I shouldn't be complaining.  I got a roof over my head, healthy children, food on my plate, great clothes (when I wash them)....not a care in the world.  I guess I am just tired. 

And on that note, I am ready to go to bed.  Good night to you all!!

Enjoy tomorrow!!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Christmas? So Soon?

Christmas???  Already???  So soon???

When I was shopping for Halloween items at Target back in October, just behind those items were Christmas merchandise.  The back wall was full of Christmas items.  It was interesting to me that when they put out the Halloween merchandise, they also put out the Christmas ones.

For me, personally, I feel that it was too early for those Christmas items to be displayed.  Why, when I am trying to get thru Halloween, would I even consider buying anything for Christmas.  I kinda like to take it one day at a time, one holiday at a time.

How do you feel about it?  I know in some stores, they put out their Christmas merchandise in September.  How crazy is that?!?!  I believe in being organized but shopping for Christmas in September is not for me.

My daughter, however, is redoing her Christmas wish list today.  Yes, she already did hers once.   She was actually showing me items she wanted in the Target Toy catalog we received with the newspaper today.  I am really not ready for the holidays. 

How about you?  Let me know your thoughts.

Enjoy your day!
