Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Article!!

I know it's been a long time since I blogged, but I have been very busy.  I started a new writing gig with the North Shore of Chicago local newspapers. 

Click on the link below and read away!!!



Thursday, January 17, 2013


So, my new job is writing trend/fashio articles for the North Shore of Chicago, an area that I have no idea about.  Crazy!!!!

So here is my first article.

Hope you enjoy.


Thursday, January 10, 2013


Wow!!!  I am so sorry!  It's been so long since I blogged.  I didn't even realize how long it was.  I apologize.

I hope everyone had a very Happy New Year's.  And a great holiday season.  I can't believe it has come and gone already.  It's January 10th already, and Chicago has seen no measurable snow.  Crazy!!

I was at Target today and they had all of their winter boots on clearance.  And there were a ton left.  What is up with this weather?!?!  And what do you wear in this weather? 

Tonight it's 40 degrees and pouring rain.  Tomorrow it's going to be 55 degrees.  My son is so excited that he can wear shorts to school.  My daughter has been wearing her new down vest from Zara.  It's so cute!!  I think they only had to wear their heavy winter down coats a few days this winter.  Both of them have been wearing their Northfaces every day.  Unbelievable!

As for me, I wore my winter down coat a few times, too, this winter.  But I have wearing a lighter weight coat all season.  And sometimes I have been wearing layers because the temperature can change in a few hours.

Anyway, I am sorry again for not blogging.  It was a crazy busy holiday break, but I promise to be better in the future.

Happy Shopping and Enjoy Your Day!!!
